Research Projects

The support and development of research has been for many years a priority for ULCO. Today, through its Research Divisions, the University is engaged in many different research projects at the regional, national, and European levels, which are financed through specific contracts or programs.

State-Region Planning Contract Projects (CPER)

CPER 2014-2020 : Two flagship projects led by ULCO

Project Platform IRENE : Innovation and Research in the Environment

The reconciliation of ULCO’s metrology platform and of the equipment and knowledge acquired as part of the CPER’s pilot project IRENI allows for the establishment of a technological platform in support of research and in the service of businesses in the field of contaminant measurement in different environments (air, soil, water). In the field of atmospheric pollution, the project benefits from the backing of LABEX CaPPA, in which ULCO participates.

University Partners on the Project :

  • Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, leading laboratories of the project : LPCA, UCEIV, TVES, UDSMM
  • Mines Douai : SAGE Department
  • Université d’Artois : UCCS
  • University of Lille 1 : LASIR, LOA, PC2A, PhLAM, UCCS
  • University of Lille 2 : ISERM U2009 UMR 204, INSERM U795, EA 4483, INSERM U 774

Project MARCO : Marine and Coastal Research on the Opal Cast, regarding aquatic product resources, usage, and quality.

The objective of Project MARCO, which is part of the scientific project of the GIS Campus of the Sea, is to implement an original and innovative approach for the study of marine environments, of their resources, and of the quality of aquatic products as part of a regional dynamic integrating environmental impact.

University Partners on the Project :

  • Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, leading laboratories of the project : LOG, LISIC, LPCA, TVES
  • University of Lille 1
  • CNRS
  • Associated partners : PFI Nouvelles Vagues, Parc Naturel Marin des Estuaries Picards et Mer d’Opale, Nausicaa, Agence de l’Eau Artois Picardie, Institut Viollette

Other Projects of CPER 2014-2020

CLIMIBIO : Climate chance, atmospheric dynamics, et their impacts on biodiversity and human health
Laboratories involved : UCEIV, LPCA, TVES

ALIBIOTECH : Agribusiness and biotechnology
Laboratory involved : UCEIV

ELSAT 2020 : Clean mobility, logistics, security, and adaptability in transportation for 2020
Laboratory involved : LISIC

ISI MESH : Interdisciplinarity, structuring and internationalization of MESHS
Laboratory involved : Laboratories of the SHS Center

Projects Selected by the ANR

ANR HEROES (2017-2020) HEterodyne Receivers OptimizEd for Synchrotron sources : Programme de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). Appel générique 2016 – défi de tous les savoirs : Montant global approximatif : 620 k€ HT
Responsable du programme (porteur et coordinateur) : G. Mouret
Consortium : IEMN, ISMO, Ligne AILES du synchrotron SOLEIL, LPCA

ANR MEGATHIREX (2012-2015) Mesures Expérimentales en phase Gazeuse et Analyse théorique dans les domaines THz et InfraRouge d’Explosifs : Programme de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) pour l’Accompagnement Spécifique de Travaux de Recherches et d’Innovation Défense : (MEGATHIREX)
Montant global approximatif 300 k€ HT.
Responsable du programme (porteur et coordinateur) : G. Mouret
Consortium : Airsbus Industry, LPCA

ANR Blanc International : « Next generation of Compact Infrared Laser based Sensor for Environmental Monitoring » (2011-2014)
Responsable scientifique et administratif ULCO-LPCA : Chen, W.

ANR MABCaM (coordinateur) : « Multi-channel wavelength-resolved Albedometer for Black Carbon Measurement » (2016-2019)
Coordinateur du projet : Chen, W.

ANR MULTIPAS (partenaire) : « MULTI-gas and multi-source Photo Acoustic Spectroscopy Measurement Platform » (2016-2020)
Responsable scientifique et administratif ULCO-LPCA : Chen, W.

Project OSCAR : Development of a new instrument for the application of submillimeter spectroscopy to the study of reactivity for astrochemistry, led by the LPCA.

Project CEBIC : Development of an innovative biomass heating plant, led by the CCM.

Project FUMITOX : Toxicology study of fumes, led by the CCM.

Project VOIR : Lens for far infrared optics, led by the LPCA.

Project BONE AHEAD : Bone Adiposity in Health and Diseases, led by the PMOI.

Among these five selected projects, FUMMITOX and VOIR are of the ANR type ASTRID intended to support projects of a more explorative and innovative character and financed entirely by the Directorate General of Armaments.

Get more information concerning the projects selected by ANR by consulting the Esprit de la Côte 54 – January 2016, dedicated to ULCO’s research projects.

Interregional Transnational Projects between France, Wallonia, and Flanders

BioProtect : biological protection applied in practice—the optimization of the efficacy of new bio-pesticides.
Partner : UCEIV

Bioscreen : New bio-sourced and multifunctional molecules for the bio-control of phytopathogenic agents.
Partner : UCEIV

DEPOLLUTAIR : Innovative pairings of techniques for the treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)—new ways of improving air quality.
Leader : UCEIV

TERAFOOD : Terahertz compact sensor, low-cost for controlling food quality
Partner : LPCA

SAFESIDE : System for the analysis of fires and fumes with remote and embedded infrared spectroscopy
Partner : ULCO


Horizon 2020 is the financing program for research and innovation of the European Union for the 2014-2020 which aims to support the work of researchers and innovators (organizations, institutions of upper-level education and research, businesses, etc.)

ERA NET SIINN – Project CERASAFE : the safe production and use of nanomaterials in the ceramic industry.
Partner : LPCA

eRA NET ArimNet – Project BacPlant : moving towards sustainable agriculture by increasing plant tolerance to biotic stress under climate change.
Partner : UCEIV


1, place de l’Yser – BP 1022
59375 Dunkerque Cedex 1
+33 (0)3 28 23 73 24