
ULCO goes green with ENERULCO

The ENERULCO project questions all of the university’s actors, students, administrative staff and teachers about our energy consumption and our daily actions.

The project has two parts :

Technical dimension (energy efficiency) : on all ULCO sites through an energy performance diagnosis. Case study on the IUT of Calais (optimisation of room occupancy) 
Project leaders : Bertrand Splingart, Kévin Binet, Settimio Del Sibio


Behavioural dimension (energy sobriety) : started in September 2016 with the projection of the film “Tomorrow” on the 4 ULCO sites. Beginning of implementation in Dunkirk (researchers from the TVES laboratory).
Method : participatory workshops
Project leaders : Séverine Frère, Nathalie Livoury, Iratxe Calvo