- Entrepreneurship : Gérard DOKOU
- Valuation : Hervé DELBARRE
- Monitoring of the establishment’s Health and Safety policy : Thierry GRARD
- Innovation and Digital at the service of pedagogy : Christophe BOUCHER
- Reception and monitoring of students with disabilities : Carl KUEHN
- Equality, secularism, fight against racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia and harassment : Catherine MINET-LETALLE
- Coordination of health training : Aline CLABAUT
- Promotion of scientific culture : Xavier ESCUDERO
- Sustainable development : Séverine FRERE
- Regional and PMCO partnerships : Frédéric CUVILLIER
The Administrative Council
Composition : 34 members
- 8 university professors or related personnel
- 8 other research professors, professors, researchers and related personnel
- 6 engineers, administrators, technicians and library personnel
- 4 students
- 8 external figures
Among the external figures :
- 2 representatives of the regional government: The Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council, Côte d’Opale Metropolitan Center (PMCO)
- 1 representative of a research organization : IFREMER
- 5 figures designated by elected members of the administrative council after a public call for candidates :
– 2 representatives of an enterprise that employs less than five hundred employees
– 1 representative of employee representation organizations
– 1 representative of an institution for secondary education
– 1 person assuming the functions of chief executive in an enterprise
At least one of the designated external figures is an ULCO alum
Expertise: The Administrative Council is the strategic body, it determines the institution’s policy
- It approves the university’s institutional contract
- It votes to approve the budget and expenses
- It approves the agreements and conventions signed by the institution’s president and, subject to approval, the particular conditions fixed by degree, the loans, the equity stakes, the creation of subsidiaries and of foundations foreseen in article L. 719-12, the acceptance of donations and bequests and the property acquisition and divesture.
- It adopts the university’s internal regulations
- It fixes, upon the president’s proposal and with respect to national priorities, the allocation of jobs that are allotted by competent ministers
- It authorizes the president to engage in all legal action
- It adopts the rules relative to exams
New Competences stemming from the LRU law :
- The AC approves the annual activity report presented by the President
- The AC can, in the conditions decided upon, delegate the power to adopt modifications to the budget to the President
- It is qualified for the creation of UFR after the input of the SC. The necessary input of the AC for the creation of schools or institutions (former article 33) that are created by way of the minister in charge of higher education after consultation of the CNESER
- It elects the President (only elected members participate in the voting process)
With regards to Human Resources :
- Creation of selection committees (research professor recruitment)
- Definition of guiding principles for the allocation of service obligations for professors and researchers (possibility of modulation: education, research, administrative tasks)
- Definition of general rules for awarding bonuses to personnel that is posted to the institution (responsibility of the President)
- Possibility of creating incentive plans to improve the remuneration of personnel
The Academic Council Regrouping :
The Commission for Education and University Life (CFVU)
Composition: 40 members
- 8 professors and related personnel
- 8 other professors, researchers and related personnel
- 4 administrative personnel, technicians, and service and health personnel
- 16 user representatives
- 4 external members: 1 representative of the Côte d’Opale Metropolitan Center (PMCO), 1 head of a secondary education institution (Lycée Jean Bart), 1 representative of a chamber of commerce and industry, 1 figure designated in a personal capacity by the CFVU after a majority vote by the members that are present.
Competences : It is an advisory body
- Education orientation (basic training and continuing education), requests and new pathways
- Measures fostering the orientation and integration of students, student life
- Accommodation for students with disabilities
- It is the body responsible for granting students political and syndical liberty
New competences stemming from the LRU law
- It is consulted for lesson evaluations
- Elect a student Vice President in charge of student life in cooperation to the regional university and academic welfare centers
The Research Commission
Composition : 40 members
- 14 professors and related
- 4 other tenured personnel that are accredited research directors
- 9 other tenured personnel with a doctorate from an institution other than a university or with accreditation other than those included in the previous categories
- 1 other professor and researcher
- 3 engineers and technicians that do not fall into the previous categories
- 1 other personnel
- 4 doctoral candidates
- 3 external figures: Nord-Pas-de-Calais Regional Council, AQUIMER Director in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Research and Technology Regional Director
Mission :
- It is consulted on the research political guidelines, the allocation of research credits, the application for national diploma issuance, and initiatives to create or modify diplomas
- Ensure the liaison between education and research
- In formation limited to research professors, give feedback on the change and appointment of lecture professors, on the recruitment or renewal of the ATER
Contact ULCO’s President’s Office
Reception desk
+33 (0)3 28 23 73 00